St Laurence in Thanet has a long established and extremely close relationship with the school. Its clergy and senior leadership are involved in our worship and governance and are a resource for religious education and pastoral care.

The Nominal Priest in Charge is Reverend Catherine Tucker . Rev Catherine  leads the whole school in worship on Tuesday mornings.  The whole school attends church throughout the year for seasonal and end of term services to which parents and parishioners are also invited. The school Choir and Guitar clubs performed Christmas music to the Acorn Club's Christmas lunch in December and the school uses the church as a valuable learning resource - last year Y4 children completed a graveyard survey as part of their work with Historic England.

Rev Catherine is always happy to chat with any pupil, member of staff or parent should they find that helpful, offering spiritual, emotional or pastoral support. She can be contacted via the school office or the St Laurence Parish Office (01843 592478). The church website is: